
Jill Sinclair Jill Sinclair

Christmas Cards

Our special greetings cards for 2024 are now available for purchase in our online shop, at our regular meetings and via a selection of local suppliers.

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Jill Sinclair Jill Sinclair

Autumn News Shoots

Our Autumn edition of News Shoots is now out! A copy has been emailed or posted to members and is available in the Friends Area of the website.

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Gill Rogers Gill Rogers

New Book Coming Soon

FOBS Historian Alison Hunter has written a new book. ‘Sheffield Botanical Gardens: A Haven for Pleasure and Learning’ which will be published this December.

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Jill Sinclair Jill Sinclair

40 Wins for 40 Years

As part of our 40th anniversary celebrations, we’ve chosen 40 of our favourite activities from the last four decades. You can see the full list in this post, plus some wonderful archival photographs.

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Jill Sinclair Jill Sinclair

Summer News Shoots

Our special anniversary edition of News Shoots has hit the stands! A copy has been emailed or posted to members and is available in the Friends Area of the website.

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Jill Sinclair Jill Sinclair

Special Film Screening

As part of our 40th anniversary celebrations, we have arranged a special screening of ‘The Felling’, which gives a first-hand account of how people in Sheffield undertook a tireless campaign to stop the destruction of the city's healthy street trees. Taking place on 30th June, tickets (£5 including light refreshments) are now available.

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Jill Sinclair Jill Sinclair

Spring News Shoots

We’ve published the latest version of our regular newsletter. It contains news and views of the Gardens, a report on our recent event for new members, an update from the Trust, a summary report of the Heritage Lottery education project as it comes to an end - and much else!

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Jill Sinclair Jill Sinclair

New signage

It’s great to see all the new signs popping up around the Gardens, a project organised by our wonderful Education and Engagement Officer Laura Alston.

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Jill Sinclair Jill Sinclair

New Merchandise!

Look out for a new range of Friends merchandise, produced for us by Jo of Jam Artworks in celebration of our 40th anniversary.

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Jill Sinclair Jill Sinclair

Trip to Haddon Hall

A group of intrepid Friends spent a cold April morning exploring the medieval park at Haddon Hall in Derbyshire. The trip was arranged after our talk last summer on the history and horticulture of the park.

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Gill Rogers Gill Rogers

Spring Plant Sale

Our first plant sale of the year will be on Sunday 5th May 2024 on the lower lawns.

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Jill Sinclair Jill Sinclair

Blue Plaque for Marnock

The designer and first curator of the Gardens, Robert Marnock, has been commemorated in a new blue plaque on the main entrance gates on Clarkehouse Road. Click ‘Read More’ to see a video about the unveiling.

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Jill Sinclair Jill Sinclair

Celebrating 40 Years

The Friends were founded in 1984, so 2024 is our ruby anniversary. We have a new version of our logo in celebration, and are planning various events and activities to look back on what we’re achieved and to plan for the next 40 years.

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Jill Sinclair Jill Sinclair

Winter News Shoots

We’ve just published a bumper edition of our regular newsletter. It contains news and views of the Gardens, our plant of the month, reports on our trips and tours, updates from the Trust and the Education project, as well as a special Winter Quiz, with prizes!

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