Perhaps unexpectedly, the message brought to us in this talk by Gail and John Summerfield is that bulbs are NOT just for spring! In fact, because bulbs are versatile and adaptable, they can be used in a variety of situations and there are bulbs available for every month of the year. A full list will be available to participants after the talk.
The Summerfields run Westshores Nursery in Lincolnshire where they specialise in the production of ornamental grasses, autumn flowering perennials and scented pelargoniums.
Gail trained as a botanist and has a masters in Plant Physiology. She worked for two large retail groups as a training officer before switching to her passion for horticulture. After teaching part time for 16 years at Bishop Burton College in East Yorkshire she ran private courses for a further 6 years and then opened Westshores Nurseries in 1985.
John joined the business full time in 1995 after 32 years in teaching. in grammar and comprehensive schools and is responsible for the propagation of their grasses and bamboos, as well as organising the many visits and talks they offer.
Westshores Nursery website
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Begonia ‘Flamboyant’